Cold Comfort: Natural Hair Winter Tips for Colder Months

With winter always coming upon us, now if ever, is the time that you need to know how to protect your hair the most. With the colder months comes drier air, which in turn can make your hair more susceptible to the harsh winter elements. Whether your hair is relaxed, natural, transitioning or even in braids, protecting your hair is a must. So no matter what you're rocking, there are protective natural hair winter tips just for you!


[caption id="attachment_1126" align="alignnone" width="225"]protect your hair, braids in the colder months[/caption]

When you have braids there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Length and the bulk of the braid can determine the weight of the hair on your head. The longer the braids are, more hair will be used, thus making the braids heavy.

Heavy braids can pull on your own hair and can be damaging to your hairline. Opt for crotchet braids instead so that you are able to achieve the same look, without all of the extra weight on your head.

Make to keep your hair clean and wash your scalp at least once a week in order to remove product buildup. When wearing braids, keep your hair and scalp moisturized by using a water based spritz followed by a sealing oil. For best results, try to keep your braids in for about 4-6 weeks maximum.

Relaxed Hair & Natural Hair

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With relaxed and natural hair, it is mandatory to make sure that it is properly moisturized and cared for. Not doing so can result in breakage and loss of length-especially when it's cold outside! Adopt a hair care regimen that involves a weekly deep condition and a monthly protein treatment. Doing so will allow your hair to retain moisture and will be less likely to break because of the exposure to cold.


[caption id="attachment_1129" align="alignnone" width="225"]Protect your hair in winter[/caption]

When your hair is in transition, it is in an extremely delicate state. This is especially true where your natural hair meets your processed hair. Avoid hair products that contain mineral oil and try using all natural products like coconut oil or olive oil. Try sticking to low manipulation styles like halo braids, large cornrows or "bunning" your hair.

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